KB01: Analog Devices - ADALM1000 (M1K)


  • ADALM1000 (M1K): Rev. F edition

Software Guide

  • Alice M1K Software V1.3 or newer edition

The ADALM1000 provides two multifunction channels, channels A and B. Each channel can be configurated in different modes, and also can generate different waveforms in the AWG Configuration window. In the Alice DeskTop main window, click the AWG Window button to open the AWG Control window as shown in the following Figure.

Figure 1
: AWG Control Window.

The types of modes can be selected by clicking on the Mode button, as shown in Figure 2.

AWGConfigurationWindow Mode

  • SVMI (Source Voltage/Measure Current):
  • SIMV (Source Current/Measure Voltage):
  • Hi-Z: High impedance mode
  • Split I/O: Separates the generator output signal from the voltage measurement input.
  • Open:
  • To GND:
  • To 2.5V
  • Split I/O: Separates the generator output signal from the voltage measurement input.


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