Lesson 01: Flowcharts

Program development can be described as a serval step process:

  1. Understand the problem.
  2. Plan the logic of the program.
  3. Code the program using a structured computer language.
  4. Using a compiler, translate the source code into a machine-executable program.
  5. Test and debug the program.
  6. Put the program into production, write the manual, and prepare some training plans for customers.
  7. Maintain and enhance the program.

Planning the logic of the program requires the development of algorithms. An algorithm is a finite, ordered set of unambiguous steps that terminate with a solution to the problem. Human readable representations such as flowcharts and pseudocode are typically used to describe an algorithm's steps and the relationships among the steps.

A flowchart is a graphical representation of the steps and control structures used in an algorithm. A flowchart does not involve a particular programming language but rather uses geometric symbols and flowlines to describe the algorithm. From a flowchart, a programmer can produce the code required to compile an executable program.

Flowcharts can be an effective way to show steps in a process. But they can also be confusing and even misleading if not prepared properly.

When designing and creating a flowchart, keep in mind that the diagram needs to be easy to understand. Here are some tips for good flowchart design. Applying them will allow you to make flowcharts that are easier to read, understand, and use.

  1. Flowcharts must use standard notation for ease of reading and analysis.
  2. The text in each process should be concise, clear, and easy to understand.
  3. The drawing direction should be from top to bottom and from left to right.
  4. Flowlines should be avoided to be too long or crossed, and connector symbols can be used more frequently.

Online Flowchart: https://app.diagrams.net/


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