PSoC5LP Lab 00: General Requirements for PSoC 5LP Laboratories
This session will teach you the Infineon advanced microcontroller — Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC). PSoC chips include a CPU core, mixed-signal arrays, configurable analog and digital blocks, and programmable routing and interconnect. The configurable blocks in a PSoC are the most significant difference from other microcontrollers.
Infineon PSoC has five different families of devices, each based on a different microcontroller core:
- PSoC 1 — CY8C2xxx series — Infineon M8C core
- PSoC 3 — CY8C3xxx series — 8051 core
- PSoC 4 — CY8C4xxx series — ARM Cortex-M0 core
- PSoC 5/5LP — CY8C5xxx series — ARM Cortex-M3 core
- PSoC 6 — CY8C6xxx series — Dual ARM Cortex-M4 and ARM Cortex-M0+ cores
You must purchase an Infineon PSoC 5LP development board and some sensor components in the PSoC Lab. You must also install PSoC Creator IDE software on your PC (or laptop) with a USB interface and run it on the Microsoft Windows 7/10/11 64-bit platform. I recommend you to have oneUSB extension Cable and/or USB HUB that has an external power source to provide enough current to the whole embedded system.
You must have an Infineon PSoC 5LP development board and other sensors. The following lists are some development boards that are based on the Infineon PSoC 5LP microcontroller:
- EagleSoC Development Board: RobotSoC
- EagleSoC Mini Board: RobotSoC
- Infineon CY8CKIT-059 Prototyping Kit: Infineon, Mouser
- Infineon CY8CKIT-050B PSoC 5LP Development Kit : Infineon
Infineon PSoC 5LP is a powerful microcontroller. It is based on an ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit core that can run at 80MHz. For this PSoC Lab, you can purchase the Infineon CY8CKIT-059 Prototyping Kit. It is an inexpensive board compared to others, but it does not support all of the PSoC 5LP functions. If you need a full-function supported board or are designing a mixed-signals system, consider using EagleSoC boards or the Infineon CY8CKIT-050 Development Kit.
The Infineon CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit is a low-cost development board with an onboard programmer and debugger.
The CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit is an easy-to-use and inexpensive prototyping platform and features the CY8C5888LTI-LP097 microcontroller chip from the PSoC 5LP family. It provides access to all the PSoC 5LP devices (CY8C5888LTI-LP097) I/Os in a breadboard-compatible format. It features a micro-USB header for creating prototypes with Full-Speed USB 2.0 connectivity.
The CY8CKIT-059 kit also integrates the Infineon KitProg, enabling onboard programming, debugging, and bridging functionality, such as USB-UART and USB-I2C. The KitProg is used to program and debug the target PSoC 5LP device. The prototyping kit allows you to separate the KitProg board from the PSoC 5LP target board.
By default, the CY8CKIT-059 Kit only supports a 5V system. If you need to drive the devices with only 3.3V to the board, you will need a level-shifter or isolation between the board and 3.3V devices.
It is important to understand that the CY8CKIT-059 Kit does not have any onboard ESD protection circuitry. Therefore, the power source for the kit must be of high quality to ensure that the board is protected from any over-current conditions and swapped power connections.
- Micro-USB connector to enable USB application development
- On-board CMOD capacitors to enable CapSense development
- Bypass capacitors to ensure high-quality ADC conversions
- An LED to provide feedback
- A push button to provide a simple user input
EagleSoC Development Board
The EagleSoC Development Board is a functionality-rich, low-power ARM® Cortex™-M3-based programmable system-on-chip development board for developers and hobbyists.
EagleSoC board is based on an original Infineon PSoC-5LP chip, Infineon CY8C5888AXI-LP096 32-bit ARM Cortex-3 CPU Core. It operates at a frequency of 80MHz and contains 256KB Flash program memory, 64KB SRAM, and 2KB EEPROM. It includes 72 I/Os (62 GPIOs, 8 SIOs, and 2 USBIOs). The voltage level is adjustable from 1.2V to 5.5V with up to 4 domains.
More detailed information can be found on EZ-PSoC Website: EagleSoC Board
The board can be purchased from RobotSoC Website:
EagleSoC Mini Board
EagleSoC Mini Development Board is a low-cost development platform for the Infineon PSoC 5LP microcontroller.
EagleSoC Mini is based on the Infineon 68-pin PSoC 5LP chip. This board is primarily designed for affordability and portability. It is smaller than the EagleSoC Development Board by an approximate factor of 1.7, with 100 mm x 60 mm dimensions. It supports 3.3V, 5V, or Vadj for VDD, VDDD, VDDA, and VDDIO selections. It also has separate digital and analog signals.
More detailed information can be found on EZ-PSoC Website: EagleSoC Mini Board
The board can be purchased from RobotSoC Website:
RobotSoC Starter Kit
You can purchase The RobotSoC Starter Kit for Embedded Projects from (here).
- This kit has 63 parts (more than 200 components) that are packaged in a convenient container.
- All the modules come soldered so they are easy to wire up
The kit includes the following components:
- 5pcs White LED
- 5pcs Yellow LED
- 5pcs Blue LED
- 5pcs Green LED
- 5pcs Red LED
- 1pcs RGB LED
- 5pcs 22pf Ceramic Capacitor
- 5pcs 104 Ceramic Capacitor
- 2pcs Photoresistor
- 1pcs Thermistor
- 5pcs Diode Rectifier (1N4007)
- 2pcs Electrolytic Capacitor (10UF 50V)
- 2pcs Electrolytic Capacitor (100UF 50V)
- 5pcs NPN Transistor (PN2222)
- 5pcs NPN Transistor (S8050)
- 1pcs Tilt Switch 5pcs Button (small)
- 1pcs 1 digit 7-segment Display
- 1pcs 4 digit 7-segment Display
- 1pcs Sound Sensor Module
- 1pcs Character LCD Module 20×4
- 1pcs IC L293D
- 1pcs IC 74HC595
- 1pcs Active Buzzer
- 1pcs Passive Buzzer
- 1pcs RTC Module
- 1pcs DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
- 2pcs Potentiometer 10K ohm
- 1pcs Rotary Encoder Module
- 1pcs Joystick Module
- 1pcs Keypad Module
- 1pcs 5V Relay
- 1pcs IR Receiver Module
- 1pcs Breadboard
- 1pcs Servo Motor (SG90)
- 1pcs Stepper Motor
- 1pcs ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1pcs Power Supply Module
- 1pcs HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
- 1pcs Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1pcs ADXL335 Module
- 1pcs 3V Servo Motor
- 1pcs MAX7219 Module
- 1pcs Remote
- 1pcs 9V 1A Power Supply
- 1pcs 65 Jumper Wire
- 1pcs Water Lever Sensor
- 1pcs USB Cable
- 1pcs 9V Battery Cable
- 1pcs RC522 RFID Module
- 10pcs Resistor (10R)
- 10pcs Resistor (100R)
- 10pcs Resistor (220R)
- 10pcs Resistor (330R)
- 10pcs Resistor (1K)
- 10pcs Resistor (2K)
- 10pcs Resistor (5K1)
- 10pcs Resistor (10K)
- 10pcs Resistor (100K)
- 10pcs Resistor (1M)
- 20pcs Female-to-male Wire Cables
Infineon CY8CKIT-059 Kit contains two dual-inline headers (J1 and J2). These headers are 1x26-pin headers and include all of the I/O available on the PSoC 5LP device. These headers support all ports, GND, VDD, and connections to passive elements and user-input devices.
The J1 and J2 headers support a 0.1" (2.54mm) pitch. You can solder male or female headers, But female headers for I/O connections would have been better.
- You can purchase the headers from Adafruit: HEADERS / 36-PIN 0.1" FEMALE HEADER - PACK OF 5!
- Carefully break it into 26-pin
- Solder the female header to the J1 and J2. If you do not know how to solder components, this is a great opportunity to learn how to solder, though.
Jumper Wires and Connector Housings
Jumper Wires and Connector Housings
Here, I recommend you purchase some colors of jumper wires and housings.
The color wires help you to keep track of your connections and avoid connection errors, such as short-circuit connections, reverse power connections, etc. For example, always use black wire for ground and red wire for power, so you will easily and quickly recognize the power source wires, and make sure they are not connected together, and that there is no reverse connection to the power supply sources.
The connector housings can help you to organize connection wires. Using connector housings with color jumper wire can help you to easily reconnect the devices without having to connect each wire every time, and reduce connection errors.
Jumper Wires
You will need jumper wires for making quick and easy prototyping connections between sensors, the breadboard, and the embedded board. Use them to wire up all the circuits.
Jumper wires can be purchased with male terminations on both ends, female terminations on both ends, or one male and one female termination. These terminations are designed for use with 0.1" (2.54 mm) male headers and female headers, solderless breadboards, and prototyping PCBs. The wires are available in various lengths and colors. The 3" (7.5 cm) wires are useful for the connections on the breadboard; the 6" (15 cm) wires are useful for the connections between the embedded board and breadboard; the 12" (30 cm) wires are useful for the connections between the sensor and breadboard/embedded board.
Here, recommend you prepare all there types of wires in various lengths for the embedded labs:
- Female-Female Jumper Wires: 6", 12"
- Male-Female Jumper Wires: 6", 12"
- Male-Male Jumper Wires: 3", 6"
Buy jumper wires from Pololu - Premium Jumper Wires.
Does the color of Jumper Wires matter?
No, the colors do not matter. The wire color is just an aid to help you keep track of which connections are connected and do not affect the operation of the circuit. You can define your own color-coding scheme, but here we recommend you to follow the rules as below lists, so everybody can understand the way the circuit is wired:
- Black Wire: Negative Power Sources (GND)
- Brown Wire: Data signals
- Red Wire: Positive Power Sources (+5V)
- Orange Wire: In a dual power source circuit, orange wires are used for +3.3V power sources. Otherwise, it can be used for Data signals
- Yellow Wire: Clock Signals
- Green Wire: Protective earth ground (PG)
- Blue Wire: Data signals
- Purple Wire: Reset Signals
- grey Wire: In the mixed signals circuit, use grey wires for Analog Ground (AGND); Otherwise, it can be used for Data signals
- White Wire: for Data signals
Crimp Connector Housings
Connector housings allow you to quickly make up your own custom cable harnesses or assemblies for connection to your hardware circuit projects. It mates with various 0.1" (2.54 mm) - spaced connectors, including male and female headers and solderless breadboards. Just select the housing with the correct number of pins, pick the colors and genders for your wires, and snap them into the housings.
I recommend using the housing to make some cables, so you can quickly reconnect the devices without checking all of the wire connections one by one every time. The connector housings can use with pre-crimped wires, which are "jumper wires" you purchase from Pololu, or you can make your own self-crimped wires with the crimping tool.
At least, you need the following housings for the embedded Labs:
- 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x2-Pin
Power Connections - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x3-Pin
PIR Sensor, Servo, IR Receiver Module, DHT11 Module, Water Level Sensor, - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x4-Pin
I2C devices, Stepper Motor Driver Board, Ultrasonic Sensor, Sound Sensor - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x5-Pin
Joystick, Rotary Encoder Module, Matrix LEDs Module - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x6-Pin
SPI Devices, - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x8-Pin
RC522 RFID Module, MPU Module - 0.1" (2.54mm) Crimp Connector Housing: 1x16-Pin
Character LCD module
You can buy the housings from the following vendors:
Software Required
You need to download and install Infineon PSoC Creator IDE onto your computer. It is a free IDE with no code limitation, but before you download the program, Infineon will ask you to register on their website first.
- Infineon PSoC Creator:
- Infineon CY8CKIT-059 Kit design files, documentation, and examples: download
You will use PSoC Creator to program your PSoC 5LP development board, which is only available on the Microsoft Windows platform. If you use an Apple Mac computer, you must run Windows on a virtual machine or BootCamp. Please read this article about BootCamp and Virtual Machines.
Infineon CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit
- Quick Start Guide:
- Guide:
- Infineon CY8C58LP Family Datasheet
Useful Resources
The following website provides a lot of information about PSoC:
Solder the headers on the board
If you use the Infineon CY8CKIT-059 Prototyping Kit, you will need to solder two headers on the target PSoC5LP board as shown below: