Lesson 00: General Requirements for FPGA Laboratories

Hello, welcome to the world of Embedded Systems.

In this section, you will learn about FPGA design using the Intel MAX-10 FPGA board. Therefore, I recommend you download and install the development software on your computer in order to practice in your free time.

Components Required

You must have an FPGA development board. In this lecture, I recommend you to get the Terasic DE-10 Lite board.

Terasic DE-10 Lite

Terasic DE-10 Lite is a cost-effective Intel MAX-10 based FPGA board. This board has many features that allow users to implement a wide range of designed circuits, from simple circuits to various multimedia projects.

de10 lite 45 s

  • Intel MAX-10 10M50DAF484C7G chip
  • Integrated dual ADCs, each ADC supports 1 dedicated analog input and 8 dual function pins
  • 50K programmable logic elements
  • 1,638 Kbit M9K Memory
  • 144 18x18 Multiplier
  • 4 PLLs
  • On-board USB blaster
  • 64MB SDRAM, x16 bits data bus


  • Accelerometer

Expansion Connectors

  • On 2x20 GPIO Connector (Voltage levels: 3.3V)
  • Arduino Uno R3 Connector, including 6 ADC channels


  • 4-bit Resistor VGA

Switches/Buttons/LEDs/7-Segment Display

  • 10 LEDs
  • 10 Slide Switches
  • 2 Push Buttons
  • Six 7-Segment Display

DE 10Lite BlockDiagram s


  • terasIC logo 71x32
  • Amazon logo 106x32

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