KB 02: DE10-Lite Board

DE10 Lite Layout01

The DE10-List development board includes the following hardware:

  • Intel MAX-10 10M50DAF484C7G FPGA Device
    • 50K Programmable Logic Elements
    • 1,638 Kbits M9K Memory
    • 5,888 Kbit User Flash Memory
    • 144 18×18 Multiplier
    • 4 PLLs
  • On-board USB Blaster
  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • 4-bit resistor-network DAC for VGA
  • Two user-defined push-buttons with debounced
  • 10 slide switches
  • 10 red LEDs
  • 6 seven-segment displays
  • Arduino Uno R3 compatible connector, including 6 ADC inputs
  • 64MB SDRAM, x16 bits data bus
  • 2x20 GPIO expansion header

Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the DE10-List board.

DE10Lite BlockDiag s
Figure 1: DE10-Lite Board Block Diagram

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