Page 26 - EE2449_TTL_Datasheet
P. 26


             DECADE COUNTER;                                                        SN54/74LS93

             4-BIT BINARY COUNTER

                                                                                     DECADE COUNTER;
               The  SN54/74LS90, SN54/74LS92 and SN54/74LS93 are high-speed
             4-bit ripple type counters partitioned into two sections. Each counter has a di-  DIVIDE-BY-TWELVE COUNTER;
             vide-by-two section and either a divide-by-five (LS90), divide-by-six (LS92) or  4-BIT BINARY COUNTER
             divide-by-eight (LS93) section which are triggered by a HIGH-to-LOW transi-
                                                                                    LOW POWER SCHOTTKY
             tion on the clock inputs. Each section can be used separately or tied together
             (Q to CP) to form BCD, bi-quinary, modulo-12, or modulo-16 counters. All of
             the counters have a 2-input gated Master Reset (Clear), and the LS90 also
             has a 2-input gated Master Set (Preset 9).
             • Low Power Consumption ...Typically 45 mW
                                                                                                    J SUFFIX
             • High Count Rates ...Typically 42 MHz                                                 CERAMIC
             • Choice of Counting Modes . . . BCD, Bi-Quinary, Divide-by-Twelve,                   CASE 632-08
               Binary                                                            14
             • Input Clamp Diodes Limit High Speed Termination Effects
              PIN NAMES                                 LOADING (Note a)
                                                        HIGH      LOW                               N SUFFIX
              CP 0      Clock (Active LOW going edge) Input to  0.5 U.L.  1.5 U.L.                 CASE 646-06
                        ÷2 Section                                               14
              CP 1      Clock (Active LOW going edge) Input to  0.5 U.L.  2.0 U.L.  1
                        ÷5 Section (LS90), ÷6 Section (LS92)
              CP 1      Clock (Active LOW going edge) Input to  0.5 U.L.  1.0 U.L.
                        ÷8 Section (LS93)
                                                                                                    D SUFFIX
              MR 1 , MR 2  Master Reset (Clear) Inputs  0.5 U.L.  0.25 U.L.                           SOIC
              MS 1 , MS 2  Master Set (Preset-9, LS90) Inputs  0.5 U.L.  0.25 U.L.                CASE 751A-02
              Q 0       Output from ÷2 Section (Notes b & c)  10 U.L.  5 (2.5) U.L.
              Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 3  Outputs from ÷5 (LS90), ÷6 (LS92),  10 U.L.  5 (2.5) U.L.
                        ÷8 (LS93) Sections (Note b)
                                                                                    ORDERING INFORMATION
             a. 1 TTL Unit Load (U.L.) = 40 mA HIGH/1.6 mA LOW.                      SN54LSXXJ   Ceramic
             b. The Output LOW drive factor is 2.5 U.L. for Military, (54) and 5 U.L. for commercial (74)  SN74LSXXN  Plastic
             b. Temperature Ranges.                                                  SN74LSXXD   SOIC
             c. The Q 0  Outputs are guaranteed to drive the full fan-out plus the CP 1  input of the device.
             d. To insure proper operation the rise (t r ) and fall time (t f ) of the clock must be less than 100 ns.
                                                        LOGIC SYMBOL

                                    LS90                       LS92                        LS93

                          14   CP 0                  14   CP 0                   14   CP 0
                          1    CP 1                   1   CP 1                    1   CP 1
                                 MR Q 0 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3         MR Q 0 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3           MR Q 0 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3
                                 12                         1  2                        12
                                 23 12 9 8 11               6 7 12 11  9 8              23 12 9 8 11
                                 V CC  = PIN 5             V CC  = PIN 5                V CC  = PIN 5
                                 GND = PIN 10              GND = PIN 10                 GND = PIN 10
                                 NC = PINS 4, 13           NC = PINS 2, 3, 4, 13        NC = PIN 4, 6, 7, 13

                                                    FAST AND LS TTL DATA
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